Sunrise over Pyrenees
Preparing for harvest in the cool of the morning
The Salt of the Earth
Farming is fueled by experimental science, but it is rooted in faith
We are all as much continuous with the earth as a wave is continuous with the ocean
Ordovician Terrain
Fine sandy clay surface soils with medium to heavy clay red or brown subsoils
Brothers United
A journey shared together through childhood and beyond
Nurturing the Land
Preparing the soil will help the vines to thrive in the extreme terroir
Joyful Times
You must not pick your vineyard bare, and you must not gather up the fallen grapes of your vineyard
A Fruitful Harvest
Hand-picked grapes from our original Cabernet Sauvignon vines
Caring Hands
Carefuly hand-picking the historic Shiraz paddock
Torrontes Harvest
An excellent wine is nothing but the most faithful reflection of the vineyard